Rukshian Balasubramaniam | Why Setting Goals Is More Than It Can Be Imagined

Introduction Rukshian Balasubramaniam | Experts underscore the importance of setting goals, basing on priority, health of relationships, state of business growth, and financial performance in order to achieve them. This information is based on experiences, theories, and insights about human behaviour. Rukshian Balasubramaniam Pioritising goals: It is important to set goals to guide one's path to successful career and life. Effective transformation of the self, family, group, organisation or society happen in desired period of time, if importance of the goals is determined, basing on the degree and urgency of needs. According to Maslow (1970), human needs are ranked as follows; physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualisation needs. This is, especially so, because of the assumption that resources are scarce and must be used wisely. Being wise means that one realises that human wants are insatiable as much as the huma...